supporting the Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Salford Royal Hospital
What is PROJECT 2021: about...
There are countless charities on television adverts that call on our purses to raise money for exceptional causes:
"Just £3 a week will ensure..."
Of course these are worthy causes, but sometimes the worthy cause is the one we take for granted, until it is no longer there that is!
Coronavirus has hit hard in just about every corner of the country, regardless of the sector, number of employees, skilled or unskilled; there has been an impact. PROJECT 2021: is concerned with just one sector in one location. The Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Salford Royal Hospital, Greater Manchester provides hyperacute stroke care for people presenting with symptoms of stroke within four hours of onset from across Greater Manchester, in collaboration with their colleagues in the Primary and District Stroke Centres across the city. They have many success stories, including Fran's Story, but like many of our hospitals they find themselves underfunded and understaffed.
Throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic services have often been diverted from their regular practices and at the very least have been put under additional pressure trying to keep both patients and medical staff safe. All of this has been costly and whilst this project may only be a drop in the ocean, every penny will make a difference.
This is where PROJECT 2021: steps in. To help the Comprehensive Stroke Centre continue in their amazing work PROJECT 2021: is aiming to raise at least £2,500 to directly support the existing services.
Getting involved in PROJECT 2021:
What I will be doing...
I began my rehabilitation journey following my stroke last year by improving my speech, singing, walking, motor control and general physical strength. However, my rehabilitation has not been easy due to extreme fatigue which has made improving on my walking incredibly hard. Last year I started walking laps around my garden to help improve movement when I realized that, while I was helping myself, I could help others too.
With the knowledge that the choral music industry has and will continue to suffer greatly during the Coronavirus pandemic, I decided to raise money by walking two marathons around my own garden for the music at Southwell Minster.
Now I am walking another two marathons
to support the
Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Salford Royal Hospital.
Each marathon walk totals 26.2 miles or 46145 yards; each lap of my garden is 38.52 yards. I have already walked the distance of one marathon (1198 laps) in just over 9 weeks and I have set myself the challenge to complete the second one in the same time, that's another 1198 laps. Of course I won't be completing the laps all in one go! I am aiming to complete at least five laps per day, most days I will be able to complete many more laps as I have to average approximately 19 laps per day to make the target. You will be able to check out my daily progress on the Home page
What I need you to do...
I have set a target of £2,500 that I want to raise in support of the Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Salford Royal Hospital.
I think of it this way:
If only 250 households could donate £10 each that would achieve our target of £2,500.
You don't have to give £10 as every £1 counts, just spread the word - the more households donate the better.
So it's simple, please support my efforts and let us help other stroke survivors get the best possible care!
Go to my Crowd Funding page by clicking on Donate Now below